SmartNA-PortPlus HyperCore™
1/10/25/40/50/100/400G Network Packet Broker
SmartNA-PortPlus HyperCore™ 1/10/25/40/50/100/400G Network Packet Broker Offering revolutionary terabit-scale architecture, the thirty-two 400G ports, with speed flexibility, (that can be used as inputs or outputs,) accumulate the port count of 256. The basic configuration provides an aggregation platform that allows collection of traffic from ultra-fast Top-of-Rack network components, while the upgraded units also support filtering, session-aware load balancing and the complete suite of features from the award-winning Drag-n-Vu™ management interface software.
While providing network visibility, data access and optimization for next-generation of enterprise infrastructre, the SmartNA-PortPlus HyperCore™ achieves a throughput of 25.6Tbps, per device. This unparalleled forwarding capacity allows this innovation to function as the core intercessor in next-generation enterprise or carrier-class networks. Featuring thirty-two QSFP-DD interfaces the SmartNA-PortPlus HyperCore™ is ready to connect to the broadest array of Ethernet devices, and cut-through packet forwarding for ultra-low latency which is important in today’s high-speed environments.