Understanding Network TAPs
TAPs (test access points), commonly known as Ethernet or Network TAPs, are stand-alone hardware devices that make an exact copy of all of the traffic that flows between two end-points in a network. They are usually favored because they are independent to the network, making them fully configurable. The copied traffic, from the TAP, is then able to undergo complex packet manipulation, as it is output to various network tools, such as security and performance tools. All this is completed while the live traffic continues to pass through the network, without disturbance.
Network TAPs are the base layer of Smart Network Access and can monitor various events on a local network. This means total visibility is maintained across all security and monitoring platforms of the network, which is vital for the performance of all networks.
Network Critical’s SmartNA™ Network TAP range is unique to the market as each TAP has been built by us from the ground up. This means a more tailored device to suit your needs and makes for an ideal TAP for any purpose – be it monitoring, security, or performance. The SmartNA™ TAPs also aggregate, filter, slice, dice, mask, and strip, along with many other functions to help you get the information you need to ensure your network is performing at its best.